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BI4Update, deliver, and monitor the Stevenage Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)


  • Discussion
  • Not started
  • Initial scoping
  • Planning stage
  • Underway
  • Completed
On time

Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust have drafted a revised Biodiversity Action Plan for Stevenage, and the document was approved by Cabinet in October 2024..

Lead paragraph

To produce an updated Biodiversity Action Plan.


Since 2010, SBC has been publishing the Stevenage Biodiversity Action Plan. The five-year plan links to the Hertfordshire Biodiversity Plan and sets out actions that will help to protect and develop biodiversity across Stevenage.

The main habitat types found in Stevenage are:

  • woodland;
  • grassland;
  • ancient hedgerows;
  • wetland; and
  • neighbourhood nature such as gardens, allotments and buildings.

A total of 40 County Wildlife Sites have been identified including valuable locations for key species such as the Great Green Bush Cricket, bats, great crested newts, badgers, and scarce flora.

Great Green Bush Cricket

The 2017-2022 Action Plan is available - Biodiversity (

The next five-year plan is in development and will be available on the SBC website in the near future.

Read more


What has been done?

  • Done09/10/2024

    2024-2028 revision presented to Cabinet for final approval and ratification.

  • Done09/10/2024

    Final reiteration of the 2024-2028 revision produced.

  • Done27/02/2024

    Present to E&E Select Committee: final revision of 2024-2028 BAP.

    The 2024-2028 updated BAP will undergo pre-scrutiny before sent to Cabinet.

  • Done30/04/2023

    Commission Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust to review the current BAP

    Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust were commissioned in Spring 2023 to review the current Biodiversity Action Plan and provide an updated version for Stevenage Borough Council.

Summary and contacts


01/03/2023 → 30/09/2024
Information updated 18/12/2024