BI5Develop a Meadow Management Framework
- Discussion
- Not started
- Initial scoping
- Planning stage
- Underway
- Continuous
SBC continues to manage a network of grassland and wildflower meadows across the town, and regularly consider suitable additional sites.
Before the development of Stevenage new town, much of the land that it was built on was managed for agriculture and was, no doubt, far richer in wildflowers than we see in our town today. But the historic close mown management of our green spaces has not enabled many wildflowers to grow, flower and seed.
Since 2011 we have been working to reverse the trend and bring areas of meadow grassland back to Stevenage. Rather than cutting the grass regularly during spring and summer we have left some areas and just cut and cleared them in the autumn. A few sites are cut on a cyclical basis every 2-3 years so that the grassland provides habitat for overwintering insects.
Meadows are not just part of our natural heritage, they provide benefits for local wildlife and help tackle climate change. They can store more carbon in the roots and soil than close-mown grass. Species-rich grasslands are huge carbon stores and lock in carbon and boost biodiversity.
Meadows provide habitat for a range of wildlife, including:
- pollinators such as butterflies, bees and other insects;
- smaller birds that feed on insects or seed heads;
- small mammals such as voles;
- larger birds such as owls that feed on the small mammals
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What are we doing?
- 30/09/2025
Agree additional grassland meadow sites
What has been done?
- 25/03/2022
Deliver additional grassland management sites
Maintaining 33ha of grassland meadows across 18 sites across the town, including parks and verges.
There is a regular review to consider suitable additional sites for this management regime.