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BI2Implement and update tree replacement policies and strategies


On time
  • Discussion
  • Not started
  • Initial scoping
  • Planning stage
  • Underway
  • Completed

Lead paragraph

Tree retention and replacement are crucial for climate action, as trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, store carbon in their biomass, and help reduce climate change. Removal of any trees on council-owned land or those under the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) must be replaced with any other appropriate species at a 1:3 ratio. The Council is currently working on updating its tree replacement policies for new developments across town.


Trees are of great amenity and are important features of the town's landscape, providing aesthetic value alongside social and environmental benefits such as improved air quality and the provision of shade for our local community. To learn more about the benefits of urban trees, please see the 'read more' section below.

The Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an act to protect trees which are deemed important and make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of an area, these are often amenity trees or those with high nature conservation value. To find out more about TPOs, please see the 'read more' section below.

The tree replacement strategy aims to consider the following factors when defining appropriate species suitable for replacement:

  • Carbon sequestered
  • Biodiversity supported
  • Foliage cover provided

Read more


What are we doing?

  • Todo12/2025

    New tree replacement policies in the Local Plan

    The Council is currently leading a partial review of the Local Plan, which includes new specific policies (NH5) for trees and woodland replacement. These policies are currently progressing through consultation processes.

What has been done?

  • Done20.01.2021

    Include tree replacement policy in the Amenity Tree Management Policy

    The Stevenage's Amenity Tree Management Policy sets out 26 policies within 9 key themes, including the current tree replacement ratio of 1:3.

Summary and contacts


01/11/2023 →
Information updated 17.02.2025