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BI10Develop and implement a Tree & Woodland Strategy


On time
  • Discussion
  • Not started
  • Initial scoping
  • Planning stage
  • Underway
  • Completed

Lead paragraph

Development and implementation of a new Stevenage Tree & Woodland Strategy (2025-2035), to set out objectives for the way in which the town’s tree stock, including amenity trees, woodlands and ancient hedgerows, are managed and developed to ensure that they continue to contribute to an attractive and healthy environment for people and wildlife now and in the future


A trees & woodlands strategy is a long-term plan being developed by the Council as part of its broader environmental initiatives.

The Trees and Woodland Strategy for Stevenage (2025-2035) is a comprehensive plan aimed at managing and enhancing the town's tree stock, including amenity trees, woodlands, and ancient hedgerows.

This strategy is crucial as it ensures the continued contribution of these natural assets to an attractive and healthy environment for both people and wildlife, guiding decisions around tree planting, preservation, and maintenance as well as around woodland protection and management, over the next decade.

This initiative is closely linked to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Trees and woodlands act as carbon sinks, capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in biomass and soil. They also help in managing water resources by reducing surface runoff and improving water quality.

By enhancing green infrastructure, the strategy aims to make Stevenage more resilient to climate-related challenges such as extreme weather events and biodiversity loss.

Key objectives to work against as part of this strategy include increasing tree canopy cover; engagement and collaboration with the community; implementing conservation and management practices to improve the health and biodiversity of woodlands; creating wildlife corridors; and incorporate climate mitigation criteria such as trees with high carbon storage potential or promoting sustainable woodland management.


What's left to do?

  • Todo27/06/2025

    Strategy approved by Cabinet

What are we doing?

  • Todo23/02/2025

    Public consultation to seek feedback on the draft Tree & Woodland Strategy

  • Todo31/03/2025

    Present to E&E Select Committee

What has been done?

  • Done05.01.2025

    Public consultation to inform the development of the strategy

Summary and contacts

Information updated 04.03.2025