EW3Reduce domestic water utilisation and improve efficiency
- Discussion
- Not started
- Initial scoping
- Planning stage
- Underway
- Continuous
Methods for achieving water efficiency at home include installing water-saving fixtures such as low-flow faucets and showerheads, promptly addressing leaks, and choosing water-efficient appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. Additionally, practices such as harvesting rainwater for non-potable uses, cultivating drought-resistant landscaping, and being mindful of daily water habits, such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth, collectively contribute to domestic water efficiency. These measures not only help lower water bills but also contribute to the overall preservation of the resource, ensuring its availability for future generations.
A combination of drier than average years, high water consumption and climate change effects means that our town and inhabitants need to take bold action to sustain our water supplies.
By 2050, the amount of water available could be reduced by 10-15%, with some rivers seeing 50-80% less water during the summer months. It will mean higher drought risk, caused by hotter and drier summers, and less predictable rainfall patterns.
Hertfordshire has among the highest water consumption in the country and is one of the most water stressed regions. There is work underway to balance water available to water demand but we still have a long way to go.
We can all take simple steps to significantly cut our water use. For tips on how to save water and book a free water efficiency test, visit Affinity Water’s website(opens in new window).
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What's left to do?
- 31/12/2025
Tenant Welcome Packs: Water Saving Tips
What are we doing?
- 12/2025
Enhance Water Efficiency related Policies within the Stevenage Local Plan
The Council is currently reviewing, updating, and emphasising policies on improving water efficiency and sustainable water management in the Local Plan.
Create an informational segment within the social housing tenant welcome packs which provides information on water saving initiatives and it's importance to increase educational awareness.