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EW1Free Water Refill in Town


  • Discussion
  • Not started
  • Initial scoping
  • Planning stage
  • Underway
  • Continuous

Lead paragraph

Traders in town will provide free water when presented with refillable vessels.


UK Summers are projected to become hotter and drier, with the south-east of England considered a high water stressed region. All of the UK's ten warmest years on record have occurred since 2002. Moreover, the extreme summer temperatures are likely to become more frequent.

It is important to stay hydrated, especially during period of hot weather, to avoid heat exhaustion or trigger other health problems. To enable residents and visitors to enjoy spending time around town and outdoors, and to minimise the use of single-used plastic, the Council is partnering with local businesses to provide free water refill.

There are over 20 businesses in the town centre and High Street have signed up for the scheme. Anyone can download the free "Refill" App at Home - Refill - find places to eat, drink and shop with less waste to find local refill stations near them.

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Information updated 12/12/2024