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BU3Implement sustainable procurement for the Council


On time
  • Discussion
  • Not started
  • Initial scoping
  • Planning stage
  • Underway
  • Continuous
Stevenage Borough Council is working to improve the sustainability of their procurement practices.


According to Oxygen Finance, up to 96% of Local Authorities (LAs) emissions potentially come from their supply chain, accounting for over 10% of UK carbon emissions by 2020/21.

By recognising the impact of procurement on the environment and community wellbeing, SBC aims to adopt measures that prioritise sustainability.

The Council's co-operative procurement strategy has actions which drive and support the implementation of sustainable procurement.

Sustainable procurement considers the lifecycle of products (from production to disposal), and selecting suppliers based on ethical and eco-friendly criteria. By prioritising sustainable procurement, the Council aims to reduce its carbon footprint and minimise waste. Additionally, this approach fosters the development of the circular economy, promoting resource efficiency and resilience.

Sustainability can be brought into the procurement process is through social value. SBC have adopted the Social Value Portal for the majority of procurements over £75k. It is based on the TOMs national framework that identifies themes, outcomes and measures and bidders can be encouraged to put forward sustainable solutions to add value.


What are we doing?

  • Todo31/12/2024

    Include Social Value considerations in Council's procurement processes

    The UK has legal instruments to promote sustainable procurement, including Public Services (Social Value) Act, Climate Change Act, Modern Slavery Act, etc.

    Social Value Act requires LAs and their suppliers to aim the commissioned and procured services can improve the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing, while maximising the value for money for the taxpayers.

    Social Value criteria can be used in decision-making when awarding contracts. A minimum weight of 10% of the total score should be considered for these criteria.

    SBC has dedicated effort to applying Social Value in its procurement processes working with Social Value Portal, an online tool that helps organizations to accurately measure, report and maximise their Social Value at the tender stage and delivery. It is based on the TOMs Framework and provides a standardised framework for organisations to be target-aligned, evidence-based, and impact-driven.

  • Todo03/2025

    Participate in the RCCF Sustainable Procurement Sub Group

    This subgroup has been setup to focus on supporting one of the EELGA Regional Climate Change Forum priority activities, which is to ‘Act as a regional hub to facilitate exploring of opportunities for joint procurement and support the sharing of sustainable procurement best practice’. This subgroup group is intended to provide peer support and explore opportunities to work together to progress the climate agenda in the eastern region.

What has been done?

  • Done31/03/2024

    Take part in the EELGA Responsible Procurement Diagnostic project

    As part of the EELGA (East of England Local Government Association), the RCCF (Regional Climate Change Forum) has recently launched the Sustainable Procurement Diagnostic and Action Planning project, and SBC took part in it.

    The project aimed to complete a diagnostic for Councils to organise, prioritise and deliver their sustainability commitments. The diagnostic consisted of assessing 30 value codes split into 4 sections: economic, social, cultural, and environmental.

  • Done23/11/2021

    Develop Cooperative Procurement Guidelines

    SBC's Co-operative Procurement Strategy 2021-2024 has been developed and launched in November 2021. Currently under implementation alongside the Social Value considerations.

Summary and contacts



Portfolio Holder

Strategic Themes

Engagement type

Information updated 08/07/2024